Enjoy Puroast Coffee in Peace

Despite alarmist articles and news segments over the past few decades, it turns out that regular coffee consumption has many potential health benefits. There were even sensationalist scrawls that there was some link between coffee and cancer. However, recent studies have discovered that there actually might be an inverse link between daily coffee consumption and certain types of cancer.

According to studies collated by the American Institute of Cancer Research, there is research that suggests that coffee reduces the risk of developing both endometrial and liver cancers. The data further disproves earlier ideas that coffee drinking makes developing pancreatic and kidney cancers more likely.

This new information means that you can feel free to consume their coffee with a clear conscience. Everything that feels good isn't necessarily bad for you. In fact, the only proven downside to drinking coffee-- it's bad interactions for people with acid related conditions-- can be counteracted by enjoying low-acid Puroast coffee!
American Institute for Cancer Research
What you get in your cup of coffee varies with how the beans are grown and how you prepare it. Overall, coffee is a good source of the B vitamin riboflavin, and is also a concentrated source of antioxidant phytochemicals.